Intel oneAPI Workshop (6, 13 and 27 November)
The Norwegian Research Infrastructure Services (NRIS) is facilitating Intel oneAPI Workshop offered by intel. The workshop will cover a wide range of topic from oneAPI, IFX and ICX compilers openMP, Python, advisor, mpi to vtune. The workshop will run as 3 series of events in November (6, 13 and 27). See the agenda below for more details. This workshop is ideal for users who wants to know more on these topics and developers. A beginner level in either C++/Fortran/Python is needed to understand the courses.
Day 1: ONEAPI&ITDC/COMPILERS/OPENMP (6th November 09:00-12:30 CET)
09:00 - Welcome
09:05 - Introduction to oneAPI and the new Intel Tiber Developer Cloud (ITDC) infrastructure
Concept and purpose for the oneAPI Standardization initiative
Intel’s oneAPI Solutions – Toolkits with Compilers, libs, analysis, and migration tools
Short introduction to SYCL: concept, references (eg Gromacs), learning material
Intel oneAPI plug-ins for Nvidia and AMD hardware (CPU and GPUs)
ITDC: service platform for developing with the latest Intel HW & SW including learning material and tutorials
09:35 - Benefits of the new LLVM based Intel compilers (IFX & ICX)
Improved code optimizations and tighter integration with Intel hardware.
Full support for the latest Fortran, C, and C++ standards with better diagnostics.
Easy migration from Intel Classic to LLVM compilers, with minimal code changes.
Cross-platform compatibility, compiling for CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs.
Intel’s new LLVM-based IFX and ICX compilers deliver enhanced performance, modern language support, and better optimization. This session will highlight the key advantages of these compilers, part of Intel’s oneAPI initiative, and offer insights into migrating from Intel’s classic compilers to the LLVM-based ones. Perfect for developers aiming to migrate and maximize their application performance using Intel’s latest compiler tools.
10:00 - Break
10:15 - Offloading C++ code to GPU with OpenMP
Use OpenMP directives to accelerate C++ code on GPUs.
Minimize code changes while gaining parallel performance.
Simplify GPU offloading without complex modifications. Learn how to easily offload C++ code to GPUs using OpenMP. Learn how to easily offload C++ code to GPUs using OpenMP.
11:00 - Offloading with FORTRAN Code with OpenMP
Offloading using oneMKL
Automatic offloading using DO CONCURRENT
Offloading using OpenMP 5.2
11:45 - Hands-on labs on code optimisation
Use OpenMP Offload directives to execute code on GPU.
Use OpenMP constructs to effectively manage data transfers to and from the device
12:30 - End of Day1 session
Day2: PYTHON AND ADVISOR (13th November 09:00-12:30 CET)
09:00 - Welcome
09:05 - Intel Distribution of Python
Explore the benefits of using Intel Distribution of Python and improve the performance where multithreading or multiprocessing are required or preferred. - Demos and labs included.
10:00 - Break
10:15 - Application profiling for CPU and mixed hardware with Intel Advisor
Advisor main functionality (Vectorization and Roofline) starting with CPU
Estimate performance potential gains with Offload Advisor (CPU -> HW Accelerator)
Analyse heterogenous SYCL/OpenMP Workloads with Intel Advisor and Roofline analysis
11:00 - Hands-on labs on Advisor
Run Offload Advisor using command line syntax.
Use performance models and analyze generated reports.
See how Offload Advisor identifies and ranks parallelization opportunities for offload.
12:30 - End of Day2 session
Day3: MPI AND VTUNE (27th November 09:00-12:30 CET)
09:00 - Welcome
09:05 - Intel® MPI and oneCCL in Heterogeneous Environment
Intel MPI is an Intel optimized version of runtime which provides MPI 4.0 Durnov standard compatible solution. As part of the presentation audience will learn about the latest Intel MPI GPU centric features and optimization techniques available in the latest releases plus information about other key features for CPU currently available in the product.
10:00 - Break
10:15 - intel® MPI and oneCCL in Heterogeneous Environment – part2
oneCCL is a runtime and API targeted on AI and integration with currently available main AI frameworks. Here audience will learn about communication stacks for popular AI frameworks and how oneCCL helps to get better scaling.
11:00 - Profiling and analysing code performance with VTune
VTune main functionality (Hot spot analysis…) starting with CPU.
Profiling Tools Interfaces for GPU
Profile heterogenous SYCL/OpenMP Workloads with Intel VTune
11:35 - Hands-on labs on VTune
Understand the basics of command line options in VTune Profiler to collect data and generate reports.
Profiling GPU applications using Intel® VTune™ Profiler on Intel® DevCloud
Use performance models and analyze generated reports.
12:30 - End of Day3 session
The course is free of charge and is offered by intel and facilitated by the NRIS. REGISTER HERE.
The Speaker
Stephen Blair-Chappell is an independent software consultant and is an Intel-certified oneAPI instructor. He was formerly the Technical Director at Bayncore where he led a team of consultants providing HPC and AI training on Intel Architecture. For 18 years he was a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel helping their strategic customers in software optimization and code modernization. He is the author of the book “Parallel Programming with Intel Parallel Studio XE”.
Special presenter
Dmitry Durnov (Intel MPI architect)
Practical Information
This is an online course via zoom. Participants require access to a computer (not provided by the course organisers) with internet connectivity to participate in the video meeting of the course (zoom). NRIS-Sigma2 users can use the cluster Saga for any hands-on exercises assuming that usernames are provided while registering for the event.
You can always contact us by sending an email to
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