Lost, expiring or changing passwords

How do I change my password?

The password can be changed on this page. Log in using your existing username.

I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

Go to this page and fill in your username. An activation key will be sent to you to the mobile number associated with your username. A mobile number is required to get access, but we do accept foreign numbers (just make sure the number registered contain the full callable number including correct country code etc.). If you have no number registered, you have two options: (i) use your OpenIdP or Feide account to log into your account on this page and enter a valid mobile number, or (ii) contact contact@sigma2.no.

Note that it can take 15 minutes for the change to propagate to the login nodes.

See also this page for a step by step guide, which also indicates the times it takes for the change to take effect.

My password is expiring and I am asked to change it.

You can change your password here.

Note that it can take 15 minutes for the change to propagate to the login nodes.

See also this page for a step by step guide, which also indicates the times it takes for the change to take effect.

I typed my password wrong several times. Now it seems I can not log in. Has my account been closed?

Your account is most likely not closed. To prevent brute-force attacks, our firewall has temporarily blocked your computer’s IP address. Please try again in 15 minutes.

If you still can not connect, please contact support@nris.no.