Using shared resources responsibly

One of the major differences between using remote HPC resources and your own system (e.g. your laptop) is that HPC resources are shared. Please use the shared resources responsibly. Below we list few things to think about for a more responsible resource use.

Please also make sure that you have gone through the documentation about Job Types, Queue system concepts, Overview over our machines, How to choose the right amount of memory, and How to choose the number of cores, to verify that you are submitting the right job to the right partition to the right hardware and not wasting resources.

Be kind to the login nodes and other users

The login node is often busy managing all the logged-in users, creating and editing files and compiling software. If the machine runs out of memory or processing capacity, it will become very slow and unusable for everyone.

Always use the queue system for running jobs. The login nodes are only for file transfer, compilation, editing, job submission and short tests, etc. If you run production jobs on the login nodes, we will need to stop them and email you about it. More likely, another frustrated user might email us first and complain about the too slow login node.

Don’t run interactive calculations on the login nodes. If you need to run a job interactively (not scheduled), have a look at Interactive jobs.

Adjust required memory, number of cores, and time to what your job really needs

Do not ask for a lot more memory or number of cores or time than you need. This may unnecessarily deplete your quota and may also delay the start of your calculations. It may also delay the start of calculations for others and deplete available resources for others.

Please read these before asking for a lot “just to be on the safe side”:

Don’t use --exclusive in job scripts unless explicitly told by NRIS staff to do so. This is especially important if you use --mem-per-cpu.

Have a backup plan

See the documentation about Backup on Betzy, Fram, Saga, and NIRD to learn what folders are backed up and how.

However, your data is your responsibility. Make sure you understand what the backup policy is on the file systems on the system you are using and what implications this has for your work if you lose your data on the system.

Make sure you have a robust system in place for taking copies of critical data off the HPC system wherever possible to backed-up storage. Tools such as rsync can be very useful for this.

Your access to the shared HPC system will generally be time-limited, so you should ensure you have a plan for transferring your data off the system before your access finishes. The time required to transfer large amounts of data should not be underestimated, and you should ensure you have planned for this early enough (ideally, before you even start using the system for your research).

Transferring data

Disk speed, meta-data performance, network speed, and firewall speed may limit the transfer bandwidth.

Here are tips to make your data transfer easier and faster:

Plan for it: If you need to transfer large amount of data, don’t start on the last day of your project. Data transfer may take hours or even days.

Please read our page about File transfer.