Open OnDemand


Open OnDemand is a web interface to HPC cluster. Open OnDemand service makes it possible to run graphical and web applications on all NRIS machines over the network.

Short video introduction:


Open OnDemand has dedicated links for each HPC cluster:

Use your HPC username and password:

Open OnDemand Login page


All applications are starting as Slurm jobs on compute nodes.

Currently (Apr. 2025) available applications via Open OnDemand web page:

  • Desktop

  • Jupyter Notebook

  • JupyterLab


  • ParaView

  • RStudio Server

  • TensorBoard

  • Terminal

  • Visual Studio Code Server

Open OnDemand applications page

Launch application

This is example to launch Desktop application:

Open OnDemand launch application

Select your account. How long you will run this application. How many CPU cores and memory your job needs.

Press Launch button.

Job will wait in the queue for available resources:

Open OnDemand pending application

Status will change to Running:

Open OnDemand running application

It is possible to adjust Compression and Image Quality level to make application more responsive on a slow Internet connection.

Press Launch Desktop

Open OnDemand Desktop

Desktop started on compute node. Left side panel is available for additional functionality like Clipboard.