Using the Schrodinger suite
If you plan to use the maestro GUI, we recommend doing this through our remote desktop.
Load the desired Schrodinger suite:
module purge
module load Schrodinger/2022-1-GCCcore-11.2.0
Now you can call any Schrodinger software by using the $SCHRODINGER variable from your command line, for example
You can also launch maestro by typing the command maestro
. We however would generally encourage our users
to limit the use of graphical user interfaces to as little as possible. If you for some reason need to use the
maestro gui, you must log in to SAGA with X11 forwarding, e.g. ssh -Y
To the extent it is possible, we recommend preparing input files etc. using a local version of maestro and uploading
the files to SAGA (scp -r input_files/
). To create the input files needed
to run a job from the command line, set up the job in Maestro, choose Write from the Job Settings button menu
, and if needed, modify the files that are generated. Jobs can then be submitted from
the command line using the
variable. For example:
The above command submits the pre-created input file (ligand docking) and keeps the driver (job control)
on localhost (-DRIVERHOST localhost
), preventing it from occupying a node. The -SUBHOST -batch-small
Schrodinger to you use the job settings and qargs defined in your local schrodinger.hosts file
with entry name batch-small for the -NJOBS 20
subjobs. Thus, the above command will send a total of 20 subjobs, each
using the qargs defined in batch-small.
Schrodinger uses its own job control facility that sits on top of the SLURM queuing system. When
submitting a job, schrodinger will use one job as a driver, to control the remaining jobs. Thus, if you submit a job
directly from maestro, or with "${SCHRODINGER}/glide" -OVERWRITE -NJOBS -HOST batch-small
, the driver
will also be submitted to the queue along with the 20 subjobs. The problem with this is that the driver may run out of
walltime before the subjobs have even started. This will effectively kill all the subjobs. In order to avoid this, you
must specify a -DRIVERHOST
and a -SUBHOST
. Setting the -DRIVERHOST
to localhost will put the driver on of the login
node and the actual jobs on the host specified by -SUBHOST
(compute nodes). This combination will not allow any subjobs
to run on the -DRIVERHOST
, only the driver itself, which is good.
Conclusion: Do not submit jobs on the cluster directly from maestro, but from the command line specifying
Submitting you jobs from command line
"${SCHRODINGER}/package" -DRIVERHOST localhost -SUBHOST hostname