Local storage for scratch files

Why it matters

Usage of local storage for scratch files can have dramatic impact of run time!


localscratch is only available on Saga and Fram.

Different scratch locations

As illustrated in the figure random read operations are extremely slow on a global parallel file system. Reading and writing large sequential file are fast. Any file operation on a parallel file system incur some kind of metadata operation and this is centralised and need to be coordinated with locks to make sure file integrity is assured. Adding to this is the fact that a large system have a large amount of jobs running, each might open thousands of files. No wonder that most global parallel file systems struggle.

On the other hand local handling of files not only scale with the number of nodes used it also lead to far less demand on the parallel file system, benefiting all users.

The test run to produce the results in the figure above figure took 47 minutes using $LOCALSCRATCH while it took 20 hours using $SCRATCH.

How to choose location for scratch files

A job typically uses several types of files, including:

  • the job script itself

  • the Slurm output file (default: slurm-<job-ID>.out)

  • input files

  • temporary files

  • output files

There are multiple choices for where to keep files.





Project area


quota per project

main project area, for permanent files

User work area


no quota

for temporary user files

Job scratch area

($SCRATCH) /cluster/work/jobs/<job-ID>

no quota

for temporary job files

Job scratch area on local disk

($LOCALSCRATCH) /localscratch/<job-ID>

few 100GBs per node

a fast disk on the node where the job runs

An overall description of the areas is given in Storage areas on HPC clusters.

Each location has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on usage. The parallel file system is very good for sequential read and write of large files.It is by nature (very) slow for random read and write operations and metadata operations (handling of large number of files).

The local file system ($LOCALSCRATCH) is far better suited for this. In addition the parallel file system needs to serve all users, so placing very high metadata load on it make the file system slow for all users. On the other hand, the local file system is local to each compute node, and cannot easily be shared between nodes (but see below).


We recommend that the job script itself and the Slurm output file (slurm-<jobid>.log) are kept on the parallel file system. The default location for the Slurm output file is the directory where one runs sbatch. You can also keep both of these files in your home directory, but be aware that the disk quota for home directories is quite small.

Input files

Where to keep input files depends on how they are used.

If an input file is read sequentially (i.e., from start to end), it is best to keep it in the work/home or project area.


The storage location pointed to by $LOCALSCRATCH is limited, if job fails due to storage limitation on $LOCALSCRATCH, use $SCRATCH.

If there is a lot of random read of an input file, it is best to let the job script copy the file to $LOCALSCRATCH.

Temporary files

By temporary files we mean files created by the job, and that are not needed after the job has finished.

Temporary files should normally be created in $LOCALSCRATCH, since this is the fastest disk. This is especially important if there is a lot of random read and/or write of the files.

If other users need access to files while a job runs, you should create files in the user work area or the project area. Files in the project area are readable by users of the same project, and files in the user work area can be made available to other users.


NOTE: Files in the user work area are deleted after some time.

Output files

By output files we mean files created by the job, and that are needed after the job has finished.

As with input files, if an output file is written sequentially (i.e., from start to end), it is best to create it in the project area.

If there is a lot of random writes (or reads) of an output file, it is best to create it in $LOCALSCRATCH, and let the job script copy the file to the project area when the job finishes.


The $LOCALSCRATCH area (/localscratch/) for each job is created automatically when the job starts, and deleted afterwards. It is located on solid state storage on the compute nodes. Such memory based storage is magnitudes faster than normal disk storage for random access operations. For streaming operations like writing or reading large sequential amount of data the parallel file system is comparable, even tape drives are comparable for streaming data/sequential access.

A potential limitation of the scratch area is its limited size. As memory has higher cost than spinning disks, the scratch area is rather limited.

The $SCRATCH area (/cluster/work/job/<job-id>) is part of the global parallel file file system with its own traits like far more space, sharing files etc.

Files placed in all scratch areas will automatically be deleted after the job finishes.

More on Output files

Output files can also be placed in $SCRATCH or $LOCALSCRATCH for increased speed (see above).

For files in $LOCALSCRATCH, you must use cp in the job script to copy the file back to the project area before the job exits.

For files in $SCRATCH, you can use the command savefile filename in the job script, where filename is the name of the file, relative to the $SCRATCH area. (savefile does not work with $LOCALSRCATCH.) The command should be placed before the main computational commands in the script. I.e.,

savefile MyOuputFile
MyProgram > MyOutputFile

This ensures that the file ${SCRATCH}/MyOutputFile is copied back to the submit directory (the directory you were in when you ran the sbatch command). The file will be copied back even if the job crashes (however, if the compute node itself crashes, the file will not be copied back).

If you want more flexibility, it is possible to register a command to be run to copy the file where you want it by using cleanup <commandline> instead of using the savefile command. It should also be placed before the main computational commands. This can also be used for files in $LOCALSCRATCH, i.e.,

cleanup cp $LOCALSCRATCH/MyOutputFile /cluster/projects/ec<N>/mydir
MyProgram > $LOCALSCRATCH/MyOutputFile

If the savefile or cleanup commands contain any special characters like *, these should be quoted.

Jobs using $LOCALSCRATCH with more than one node

As the $LOCALSCRATCH area is local to each node, files cannot be shared between nodes like when using $SCRATCH. A job running on several nodes will get one $LOCALSCRATCH area on each node.

Slurm provide utilities for distributing files to local scratch areas on several nodes and gather files back again. Here is an example to illustrate how this might look:

#SBATCH --account=YourProject
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500M
#SBATCH --time=00:02:0
#SBATCH --gres=localscratch:100G

## Print the hostnames where each task is running:
srun hostname

## This copies "hello.c" from your submit dir to $LOCALSCRATCH on each node:
srun --ntasks-per-node=1 --ntasks=$SLURM_NNODES cp hello.c ${LOCALSCRATCH}/hello.c

## Simulate output files created on the $LOCALSCRATCH areas on each node
## by copying $LOCALSCRATCH/hello.c to $LOCALSCRATCH/bye.c once on each node:
srun --ntasks-per-node=1 --ntasks=$SLURM_NNODES cp  ${LOCALSCRATCH}/hello.c ${LOCALSCRATCH}/bye.c

## This copies the "bye.c" files back to the submit dir:
sgather ${LOCALSCRATCH}/bye.c  bye.c

Slurm sgather will append $HOSTNAME to each of the files gathered to avoid overwriting anything. Note that you have to set up ssh keys with an empty passphrase on the cluster for sgather to work, because under the hood, it uses scp to transfer the files.

(There is a slurm command sbcast that can be used instead of srun --ntasks-per-node=1 --ntasks=$SLURM_NNODES cp to copy files to $LOCALSCRATCH on each node, but it is much slower, and not suited to large files.)