Accessing NESSI and EESSI on NRIS systems

On the HPC machines Betzy, Fram and Saga, both the NESSI and EESSI software stacks are accessible on login nodes and all compute nodes. To configure the environment, all that needs to be done is to run the single command:

# to access the NESSI software stack
module load NESSI/2023.06


# to access the EESSI software stack
module load EESSI/2023.06

The module file will detect the CPU hardware of the machine and pick the best software that was pre-built and is provided by NESSI or EESSI. This works seamlessly on systems which provide different CPU micro-architectures (e.g., Saga).

NESSI supports the following CPU micro-architectures:

  • x86_64: Intel Broadwell (Fram and hugemem nodes on Saga), Intel Skylake (Saga), AMD Rome/zen2 (Betzy and a100 nodes on Saga) and a “generic” build which excludes optimisations for modern CPUs, thus should work on a wide spectrum of available hardware

  • aarch64: ARM family, currently only a “generic” build is available

All software packages available in NESSI have been automatically built on Fram, Saga, eX3 and AWS.

EESSI supports the following CPU micro-architectures:

  • x86_64: Intel Haswell (alternative for Broadwell on Fram and hugemem nodes on Saga), Intel Skylake (Saga), AMD Rome/zen2 (Betzy and a100 nodes on Saga), AMD Milan/zen3 and a “generic” build which excludes optimisations for modern CPUs, thus should work on a wide spectrum of available hardware

  • aarch64: ARM family, Neoverse N1, Neoverse V1 and a “generic” build is available

All software packages available in EESSI have been automatically built on AWS.

Read about using software packages provided by NESSI and EESSI.