Environment Variables in Job Scripts

Here is a list of some useful environment variables that can be used in job scripts. This is not a complete list. See the sbatch documentation for more variables. Another way to get a list of defined environment variables is to run env in a job script and look at the output.

  • SLURM_JOB_ID: The jobid returned by sbatch

  • SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID: The id of the current array task in an array job.

  • SLURM_JOB_NODELIST: The list of nodes allocated to the job.

  • SLURM_NTASKS: The number of tasks in the job.

  • SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR: The directory where you ran sbatch. Usually the place where the slurm-<jobid>.out is located.

  • SCRATCH: A per-job scratch directory on the shared file system. See work directory for details.

  • USERWORK: A per-user scratch directory on the shared file system. See work directory for details.

  • OMP_NUM_THREADS: The number of threads to use for OpenMP programs. This is controlled by the --cpus-per-task parameter to sbatch, and defaults to 1.