Porting Batch Scripts from PBS/TORQUE

Converting a PBS/TORQUE script files to Slurm is simple because most of the commands have direct equivalents in Slurm. The shell commands and variables need to be changed but the application code such as compiling and copying of files can remain the same.

This page lists some ways to convert batch scripts from PBS/TORQUE to Slurm.

Shell Commands

Many PBS/TORQUE commands directly translate to a Slurm command. Here are some of the PBS/TORQUE commands with their Slurm counterparts.

Shell Commands



Job submission

qsub <filename>

sbatch <filename>

Job deletion

qdel <job_id>

scancel <job_id>

Job status (by job)

qstat <job_id>

squeue –job <job_id>

Full job status (by job)

qstat -f <job_id>

scontrol show job <job_id>

Job status (by user)

qstat -u <username>

squeue –user=<username>

Environment variables

Environment variables



Job ID



Submit Directory



Node List



Options and Settings

These are options that may be placed in the batch script or passed as arguments to sbatch.




Script directive



Job Name

-N <name>

–job-name=<name> OR -J <name>

Node Count

-l nodes=<count>

–nodes=<minnodes[-maxnodes]> OR -N <minnodes[-maxnodes]>

CPU Count

-l ppn=<count>


CPUs Per Task


Memory Size

-l mem=<MB>

–mem=<MB> OR –mem-per-cpu=<MB>

Wall Clock Limit

-l walltime=<hh:mm:ss>

–time=<min> OR –time=<days-hh:mm:ss>

Standard Output File

-o <file_name>

–output=<file_name> OR -o <file_name>

Job Arrays

-t <array_spec>

–array=<array_spec> OR -a <array_spec>

Standard Error File

-e <file_name>

–error=<file_name> OR -e <file_name>

Combine stdout/stderr

-j oe (both to stdout)

(Default if you don’t specify –error)

Delay Job Start

-a <time>
