SYCL Academy tutorial
Codeplay provides a nice introductory tutorial of the basic features of SYCL in their SYCL Academy repository. This is the course material for the standard SYCL tutorial given by Codeplay on relevant conferences and workshops throughout the year. In the following we will demonstrate how to compile and run the example code on Saga.
Step 1: Load necessary modules
In order to compile the examples we will need CMake as well as a SYCL implementation that is compatible
with the Nvidia GPUs that we have available. On Saga we have hipSYCL and CMake installed globally, and
we will choose a CMake version that is compatible with the GCC toolchain that the hipSYCL module is
based upon, in this case GCCcore/11.2.0
[me@login-1.SAGA ~]$ module load hipSYCL/0.9.2-GCC-11.2.0-CUDA-11.4.1
[me@login-1.SAGA ~]$ module load CMake/3.21.1-GCCcore-11.2.0
Some of the examples in this tutorial does not compile with the 0.9.1 version of hipSYCL
so make sure to use at least version number 0.9.2.
Step 2: Download course material
The course material can be downloaded from Github with the following command (remember the --recursive
[me@login-1.SAGA ~]$ git clone --recursive
[me@login-1.SAGA ~]$ cd syclacademy
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy]$ ls
CMakeLists.txt External sycl_academy.png
Code_Exercises CONTRIBUTING Lesson_Materials Utilities
You will here find Lesson_Materials
in the form of html slides which you can view in your browser
(best done on your local machine), as well as corresponding Code_Exercises
for each of the lectures.
You can also follow the exercises by browsing the
Github page,
where you will find explanation of the exercises in the
file of each folder.
Step 3: Configure with CMake
When we configure the build we need to tell CMake which SYCL implementation we are going to use (hipSYCL)
and which target architecture we want to compile for; omp
for CPU targets and cuda:sm_60
for the
Nvidia P100 GPUs we have on Saga (cuda:sm_80
for the A100 cards on Betzy):
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy]$ mkdir build
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy]$ cd build
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ cmake -DSYCL_ACADEMY_USE_HIPSYCL=ON -DHIPSYCL_TARGETS="omp;cuda:sm_60" ..
Hopefully no error occurred on this step.
If you got a syclacademy/External/Catch2 does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file
error you may
have forgotten to download the submodules of the git repo (--recursive
option in the clone).
Step 4: Compile and run exercises
The tutorial is organized such that you are expected to write your solution code in the source.cpp
of each exercise in the Code_Exercises
folder based on the text given in the corresponding
You can then compile your source file for exercise 1 with the following command:
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ make exercise_01_compiling_with_sycl_source
after which the resulting executable (with the same long and cumbersome name as the build target) can be found under:
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ ls Code_Exercises/Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL/
CMakeFiles CTestTestfile.cmake Makefile
cmake_install.cmake exercise_01_compiling_with_sycl_source
and you can execute you program with
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ Code_Exercises/Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL/exercise_01_compiling_with_sycl_source
All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)
If it shows that the test passes it means that your code did not crash, which is good news.
Step 5: Compile and run solutions
If you get stuck at some point there is also a suggested solution to each of the exercises, called solution.cpp
which you
can compile using the same long and cumbersome exercise name as before, but with _solution
instead of _source
in the end
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ make exercise_01_compiling_with_sycl_solution
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ Code_Exercises/Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL/exercise_01_compiling_with_sycl_solution
All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)
Step 6: Run exercises on GPU nodes
The main point of all these exercises is of course to run the code on accelerators, and in order to do that
you need to ask for GPU resources through Slurm, here as an interactive job on the accel
[me@login-1.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ salloc --account=<my-account> --time=1:00:00 --ntasks=1 --gpus=1 --partition=accel --mem=1G
salloc: Pending job allocation 5353133
salloc: job 5353133 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 5353133 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 5353133
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes c7-8 are ready for job
[me@c7-8.SAGA ~/syclacademy/build]$ Code_Exercises/Exercise_01_Compiling_with_SYCL/exercise_01_compiling_with_sycl_solution
All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)
The test still passed on the GPU node, yay!