Combining MPI and OpenACC

A lot of existing HPC code is already set up to take advantage of multi-core and cluster compute resources through MPI. When translating a codebase to OpenACC we can take advantage of this existing infrastructure by giving each rank its own GPU to achieve multi-GPU compute. This technique is most likely the easiest path to utilizing multi-GPU for existing and new projects working with OpenACC.


The alternative to combining MPI and OpenACC is to divide the work into blocks, as we show in the asynchronous and multi-GPU guide, however, with out combining such a technique with MPI, sharing is limited to a single node.


For a summary of available directives we have used this reference guide.


This guide will assume some familiarity with MPI and an introductory level of knowledge about OpenACC.

After reading this guide you should be familiar with the following concepts

  • How to take an existing MPI application and add OpenACC

    • How to go from an initial CPU-only implementation to gradually adding OpenACC directives

    • How to share data between CPU, GPU and other ranks

    • How to assign the correct GPU based on rank and nodes

  • How to profile a combined MPI and OpenACC application

For this guide we will solve the 1 dimensional wave equation, shown below with MPI task sharing.

 * MPI implementation of the 1D wave equation

#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Default number of points to calculate over, if not given on command line
static const int NUM_POINTS = 400;
// Default number of steps to perform per point, if not given on command line
static const int NUM_STEPS = 4000;
// Default time interval, if not given on command line
static const double DEFAULT_DT = 0.00125;
// Speed of sound used for calculation
static const double SOUND_SPEED = 1.0;

// Define MPI tags for program
static const int lower_tag = 1010; // Send to lower rank
static const int upper_tag = 2020; // Send to higher rank
static const int scatter_tag = 3030; // Gather / Scatter data
static const int gather_tag = 4040; // Gather / Scatter data
// MPI Error codes
static const int ALLOC_WAVE_FAIL = 1001;
static const int ALLOC_WAVES_FAIL = 1002;
static const int INITIAL_DIST_RECV = 1003;
static const int LAST_DIST_RECV = 1004;

// Helper macro to check an MPI call and print error if it failed
#define check_mpi(code, err) \
if (code != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
  printf("\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n", err); \
  printf("\tError code: \033[0;31m%d\033[0m\n", code); \
  MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1337); \
  return EXIT_FAILURE; \

 * Helper method to calculate the exact solution at 'x' with time step 't' and
 * speed of sound 'c'
double exact (const double x, const double t, const double c) {
  return sin (2. * M_PI * (x - c * t));

 * Helper function to calculate the partial derivative du/dt
double dudt (const double x, const double t, const double c) {
  return -2. * M_PI * c * cos (2. * M_PI * (x - c * t));

int main (int argc, char** argv) {
  // Define variables to use in calculation, initialized to default values
  int points = NUM_POINTS;
  int steps = NUM_STEPS;
  double dt = DEFAULT_DT;

  /************************** Command line handling ***************************/
  if (argc > 1) {
    if (strncmp (argv[1], "-h", 3) == 0 || strncmp (argv[1], "--help", 7) == 0) {
      printf("Usage: \033[0;32m%s\033[0m <number of points> <number of steps> <timer interval>\n", argv[0]);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    points = atoi (argv[1]);
    if (points < 1) {
      printf("\033[0;31mThe number of points must be a positive number larger than '1'!\033[0m\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (argc > 2) {
    steps = atoi (argv[2]);
    if (steps < 0) {
      printf("\033[0;31mThe number of steps must be a positive number!\033[0m\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (argc > 3) {
    dt = atof (argv[3]);
    if (dt <= 0.) {
      printf("\033[0;31mTime interval must be larger than '0.0'!\033[0m\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /*************************** MPI work sharing *******************************/
  // Initialize MPI
  check_mpi (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv), "Could not initialize MPI!");
  // Extract MPI size and current rank
  int num_processes = 1;
  int rank = 0;
  check_mpi (MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_processes), "Could not fetch COMM_WORLD size");
  check_mpi (MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank), "Could not fetch COMM_WORLD rank");
  if (points % num_processes != 0) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      printf("\033[0;31m%d points can't be split into %d processes!\033[0m\n", points, num_processes);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  const int equal_share = points / num_processes;
  // The first and last rank calculates one additional element, while all other
  // ranks calculates two additional points
  const int local_points = (rank == 0 || rank == num_processes - 1) ? equal_share + 1 : equal_share + 2;
  const int local_start = (rank == 0) ? 0 : equal_share * rank - 1;

  /*************************** Implementation *********************************/
  // Define pointer to global result so that we can compile, this variable is
  // only allocated on the root rank
  double* wave = NULL;
  if (rank == 0) {
    printf("Calculating 1D wave equation with \033[0;35m%d\033[0m points over \033[0;35m%d\033[0m steps with \033[0;35m%f\033[0m time step\n",
           points, steps, dt);
    printf("\t...split over \033[0;35m%d\033[0m processes, processing \033[0;35m%d\033[0m points each\n",
           num_processes, local_points);
    // On the root rank we allocate enough space for the full wave,
    // it is used as the full result
    wave = calloc (points, sizeof (double));
    if (wave == NULL) {
      printf("\033[0;31mCould not allocate %d points for wave results\033[0m\n", points);
      // No need to check output, we will shortly exit anyway
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // Allocate memory for local work arrays
  double* wave0 = calloc (local_points, sizeof (double));
  double* wave1 = calloc (local_points, sizeof (double));
  double* wave2 = calloc (local_points, sizeof (double));
  if (wave0 == NULL || wave1 == NULL || wave2 == NULL) {
    printf("\033[0;31mRank %d could not allocate enough space for arrays!\033[0m\n", rank);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  const double dx = 1. / ((double) points - 1);
  const double alpha = SOUND_SPEED * dt / dx;
  const double alpha2 = alpha * alpha;
  if (rank == 0) {
    if (fabs (alpha) >= 1.) {
      printf("\033[0;33mComputation will be unstable with the given parameters\033[0m\n");
      printf("\tdt = %f\n", dt);
      printf("\tdx = %f (1. / %d)\n", dx, points);
      printf("\t|alpha| = %f\n", fabs (alpha));
    // Initialize the wave only on the root rank
    for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
      const double x = (double) i / (double) (points - 1);
      wave[i] = exact (x, 0., SOUND_SPEED);
    // Distribute computation to all other ranks
    for (int r = 1; r < num_processes; r++) {
      const int index = r * equal_share - 1;
      const int num_points = (r < num_processes - 1) ? equal_share + 2 : equal_share + 1;
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave[index], num_points, MPI_DOUBLE, r, scatter_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not distribute data");
    // Distribute data to root rank also
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave0[i] = wave[i];
      wave1[i] = wave0[i];
  } else {
    MPI_Status out;
    check_mpi (MPI_Recv(wave0, local_points, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, scatter_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
               "Could not receive data");
    if (out.MPI_ERROR != MPI_SUCCESS) {
      printf("\033[0;31mMPI Recv error!\033[0m count: %ld, cancelled: %d, error: %d\n",
             out._ucount / sizeof (double), out._cancelled, out.MPI_ERROR);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave1[i] = wave0[i];
  // Subsequent steps utilize the existing arrays for computation
  for (int s = 1; s < steps + 1; s++) {
    const double t = (double) s * dt;
    if (s == 1) {
      // First time step we use the initial derivative information to calculate
      // the solution
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        const double x = (double) (i + local_start) / (double) (points - 1);
        wave2[i] = (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + 0.5 * alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   + dt * dudt (x, t, SOUND_SPEED);
    } else {
      // After first step we use previous calculations for future values
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        wave2[i] = 2. * (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   - wave0[i];
    // Share data with neighboors
    if (rank > 0) {
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave2[1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not send lower update");
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave2[0], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data for lower update");
    } else {
      wave2[0] = exact (0., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    if (rank < num_processes - 1) {
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave2[local_points - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data for upper update");
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave2[local_points - 2], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not send upper update");
    } else {
      wave2[local_points - 1] = exact (1., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    // Shift data
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave0[i] = wave1[i];
      wave1[i] = wave2[i];
  // Synchronize data back to root rank
  if (rank == 0) {
    printf("Synchronizing results\033[0;33m...\033[0m ");
    // Copy root rank data back into result array
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave[i] = wave1[i];
    // Receive data from all other ranks
    for (int r = 1; r < num_processes; r++) {
      const int index = r * equal_share - 1;
      const int num_points = (r < num_processes - 1) ? equal_share + 2 : equal_share + 1;
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave[index], num_points, MPI_DOUBLE, r, gather_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data when gathering result");
      if (out.MPI_ERROR != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        printf("\033[0;31mMPI Recv error!\033[0m count: %ld, cancelled: %d, error: %d\n",
               out._ucount / sizeof (double), out._cancelled, out.MPI_ERROR);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    printf("Calculation ended \033[0;32msuccesfully\033[0m!\n");
  } else {
    check_mpi (MPI_Send(wave1, local_points, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, gather_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
               "Could not send data back to root when gathering results");
  // Free data before exit
  if (rank == 0) {
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


To compile this on Saga we will load OpenMPI and compile with the built-in MPI compiler.

$ module load OpenMPI/4.0.3-PGI-20.4-GCC-9.3.0
$ mpicc -g -fast -o mpi wave_mpi.c

To run this with multiple ranks, e.g. split the work over 4 processes, use the following command

$ srun --ntasks=4 --account=<your project number> --time=02:00 --mem-per-cpu=512M time ./mpi 1000000

Introducing OpenACC

When starting the transition of an MPI enabled application, like the above, it is imperative to reduce complexity so as to not get overwhelmed by the transition. We will therefore introduce OpenACC to the program by running it as one process and once we are done with the OpenACC translation, add the necessary setup for multi-GPU utilization.


Try to follow the next sections by implementing them yourself before you see our solution. This will increase your confidence with OpenACC.

Adding parallel loop directives

There are several places where we could put directives in this code, however, to keep this manageable we will focus on the main computational area of the code. Lets therefore start with the following three loops.

  for (int s = 1; s < steps + 1; s++) {
    const double t = (double) s * dt;
    if (s == 1) {
      // First time step we use the initial derivative information to calculate
      // the solution
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        const double x = (double) (i + local_start) / (double) (points - 1);
        wave2[i] = (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + 0.5 * alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   + dt * dudt (x, t, SOUND_SPEED);
    } else {
      // After first step we use previous calculations for future values
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        wave2[i] = 2. * (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   - wave0[i];
    // Share data with neighboors
    if (rank > 0) {
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave2[1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not send lower update");
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave2[0], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data for lower update");
    } else {
      wave2[0] = exact (0., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    if (rank < num_processes - 1) {
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave2[local_points - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data for upper update");
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave2[local_points - 2], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not send upper update");
    } else {
      wave2[local_points - 1] = exact (1., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    // Shift data
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave0[i] = wave1[i];
      wave1[i] = wave2[i];

Looking at the three loops we can see that every iteration is independent of every other iteration and it is thus safe to add #pragma parallel loop before each loop.

  for (int s = 1; s < steps + 1; s++) {
    const double t = (double) s * dt;
    if (s == 1) {
      // First time step we use the initial derivative information to calculate
      // the solution
      #pragma acc parallel loop
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        const double x = (double) (i + local_start) / (double) (points - 1);
        wave2[i] = (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + 0.5 * alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   + dt * dudt (x, t, SOUND_SPEED);
    } else {
      // After first step we use previous calculations for future values
      #pragma acc parallel loop
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        wave2[i] = 2. * (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   - wave0[i];
    // Share data with neighboors
    if (rank > 0) {
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave2[1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not send lower update");
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave2[0], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data for lower update");
    } else {
      wave2[0] = exact (0., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    if (rank < num_processes - 1) {
      MPI_Status out;
      check_mpi (MPI_Recv(&wave2[local_points - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out),
                 "Could not receive data for upper update");
      check_mpi (MPI_Send(&wave2[local_points - 2], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD),
                 "Could not send upper update");
    } else {
      wave2[local_points - 1] = exact (1., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    // Shift data
    #pragma acc parallel loop
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave0[i] = wave1[i];
      wave1[i] = wave2[i];


To compile this on Saga we use the same command as above, adding -acc and -Minfo=accel

$ mpicc -g -fast -acc -Minfo=accel -o acc wave_loop.c

To test the above code use srun as above, but do not ask for multiple tasks. We also need to request GPU resources with --partition=accel and --gpus=1.

$ srun --ntasks=1 --partition=accel --gpus=1 --account=<your project number> --time=02:00 --mem-per-cpu=512M time ./acc 1000000

The code runs on the GPU, but it is not particularly fast. The reason for this is that we are now continually copying memory in and out of the GPU. If we look at the main computation we can see that, apart from sharing two elements of the array with the other ranks, we don’t need to work on the data on the CPU.

Checking with Nsight

To see the problem visually, we can use Nvidia Nsight to profile the application. We will simply change the invocation of time with nsys as follows.

$ srun --ntasks=1 --partition=accel --gpus=1 --account=<your project number> --time=02:00 --mem-per-cpu=512M nsys profile -t cuda,openacc,osrt -o openacc_mpi_tutorial ./acc 1000000

This will create an openacc_mpi_tutorial.qdrep profile that we can download to our local machine and view in Nsight Systems.

Screenshot of Nvidia Nsight showing kernel and memory usage of our program


Right click on the image and select View Image to see larger version.


If you have not used Nsight before we have an introductory tutorial available.

As we can see, in the image above, the Kernels to Memory ratio is quite one sided, confirming our suspicion that we are spending too much time transferring data, and not enough time computing.

Improving data locality

To improve data locality we need to know which pieces of information, e.g. which arrays, are important to have on GPU and those we don’t need to transfer. Taking a step back and thinking about the code we can see that wave0 and wave2 are only used for scratch space while the end result ends up in wave1. In addition we can see that this holds true, except for variable sharing with MPI - which we will come back to below, for the whole steps loop.

Lets add a #pragma acc data directive above the steps loop so that data is contained on the GPU for the whole computation. Since we have some data in wave0 we will mark it as copyin, we need the data in wave1 after the loop as well so we mark it as copy and wave2 we can just create on the GPU since it is only used as scratch in the loop.

  // Subsequent steps utilize the existing arrays for computation
  #pragma acc data copy(wave1[:local_points]) copyin(wave0[:local_points]) \
  for (int s = 1; s < steps + 1; s++) {
    const double t = (double) s * dt;
    if (s == 1) {
      // First time step we use the initial derivative information to calculate
      // the solution
      #pragma acc parallel loop
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        const double x = (double) (i + local_start) / (double) (points - 1);
        wave2[i] = (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                   + 0.5 * alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   + dt * dudt (x, t, SOUND_SPEED);
    } else {
      // After first step we use previous calculations for future values
      #pragma acc parallel loop
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        wave2[i] = 2. * (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                    + alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   - wave0[i];



We had to remove the check_mpi calls in the region covered by the #pragma acc data since it is not allowed to exit out of a compute region with return.

Compile and run to see if we get any improvements.

$ mpicc -g -fast -acc -Minfo=accel -o acc wave_data.c
$ srun --ntasks=1 --partition=accel --gpus=1 --account=<your project number> --time=02:00 --mem-per-cpu=512M time ./acc 1000000

The above runs quite a bit faster, but we have one problem now, the output is wrong. This is due to the fact that we are now not sharing any data between the GPU and the CPU. To improve this we will introduce the #pragma acc update directive.


Use nsys and Nvidia Nsight to convince yourself that the above stated improvement actually takes place.

Nsight updated screenshot

There and back again - GPU <=> CPU

As we just saw, we are missing some data on the CPU to initiate the MPI transfer with. To remedy this we will add the #pragma acc update directive. This directive tells the compiler to transfer data to or from GPU without an associated block.

First we will copy data from the GPU back to the CPU so that our MPI transfer can proceed. In the code below notice that we have added acc update self(...). self in this context means that we want to transfer from GPU to CPU.

      // After first step we use previous calculations for future values
      #pragma acc parallel loop
      for (int i = 1; i < local_points - 1; i++) {
        wave2[i] = 2. * (1. - alpha2) * wave1[i]
                    + alpha2 * (wave1[i - 1] + wave1[i + 1])
                   - wave0[i];
    // Copy data from GPU to CPU to prepare for MPI sharing
    #pragma acc update self(wave2[1:1])
    #pragma acc update self(wave2[local_points - 2:1])
    // Share data with neighboors
    if (rank > 0) {
      MPI_Send(&wave2[1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Status out;
      MPI_Recv(&wave2[0], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank - 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out);
    } else {
      wave2[0] = exact (0., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    if (rank < num_processes - 1) {
      MPI_Status out;
      MPI_Recv(&wave2[local_points - 1], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, lower_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &out);
      MPI_Send(&wave2[local_points - 2], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, rank + 1, upper_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    } else {
      wave2[local_points - 1] = exact (1., t, SOUND_SPEED);

The MPI transfer will transmit the correct data, which is good, but we still have a problem in our code. After the MPI transfer the points we received from the other ranks are not updated on the GPU. To fix this we can add the same acc update directive, but change the direction of the transfer. To do this we change self with device as follows.

    } else {
      wave2[local_points - 1] = exact (1., t, SOUND_SPEED);
    // Copy data we got from MPI neighbors back to GPU
    #pragma acc update device(wave2[0:1])
    #pragma acc update device(wave2[local_points - 1:1])
    // Shift data
    #pragma acc parallel loop
    for (int i = 0; i < local_points; i++) {
      wave0[i] = wave1[i];
      wave1[i] = wave2[i];

We have made a few more improvements to the overall code to more fairly compare with the pure MPI solution. See the wave_acc.c file below for additional improvements.


Compile and run with the following, as usual.

$ mpicc -g -fast -acc -Minfo=accel -o acc wave_acc.c
$ srun --ntasks=1 --partition=accel --gpus=1 --account=<your project number> --time=02:00 --mem-per-cpu=512M time ./acc 1000000

Splitting the work over multiple GPUs

We are almost done with our transition to OpenACC, however, what happens if we launch the above wave_acc.c with two ranks on the same node. From the perspective of the batch system we will be allocated two GPUs, two CPU cores and a total of 512M+512M memory. However, our two MPI processes do not specify the GPU to use and will utilize the default GPU. Since they are running on the same node, that will likely be the same GPU.

To fix this we will read in our local rank, which is exported under OpenMPI as OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK, then we can use this to get the correct index to the GPU to use. We need to add #include <openacc.h> so that we can access the Nvidia runtime and have access to acc_set_device_num() which we can use to assign a unique GPU to each MPI process.

  /*************************** MPI work sharing *******************************/
  // Initialize MPI
  check_mpi (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv), "Could not initialize MPI!");
  // Extract MPI size and current rank
  int num_processes = 1;
  int rank = 0;
  check_mpi (MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_processes), "Could not fetch COMM_WORLD size");
  check_mpi (MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank), "Could not fetch COMM_WORLD rank");
  if (points % num_processes != 0) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      printf("\033[0;31m%d points can't be split into %d processes!\033[0m\n", points, num_processes);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  const int equal_share = points / num_processes;
  // The first and last rank calculates one additional element, while all other
  // ranks calculates two additional points
  const int local_points = (rank == 0 || rank == num_processes - 1) ? equal_share + 1 : equal_share + 2;
  const int local_start = (rank == 0) ? 0 : equal_share * rank - 1;
  // Determine local rank relative to the node, this is used to allocate GPUs as
  // we assume that each rank has its own GPU to utilize
  MPI_Comm shared_node;
  check_mpi (MPI_Comm_split_type (MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0,
                                  MPI_INFO_NULL, &shared_node),
             "Could not split COMM_WORLD into shared communicator");
  int local_rank;
  check_mpi (MPI_Comm_rank(shared_node, &local_rank), "Could not get local rank");
  // Assign GPU based on local rank
  const int devices = acc_get_num_devices (acc_device_nvidia);
  acc_set_device_num (local_rank % devices, acc_device_nvidia);


We will compile this as before, but now we can run with arbitrary number of processes!


When using multiple tasks ensure that each task gets a dedicated GPU with the --gpus-per-task=N flag.

$ mpicc -g -fast -acc -Minfo=accel -o acc wave_acc_mpi.c
$ srun --ntasks=2 --partition=accel --gpus-per-task=1 --account=<your project number> --time=02:00 --mem-per-cpu=512M time ./acc 1000000


We have shown how to take an existing MPI application and add OpenACC to utilize multi-GPU resources. To accomplish this, we added directives to move compute from CPU to GPU. To enable synchronization we also added directives to move small amounts of data back and fourth between the GPU and CPU so that we could continue to exchange data with neighboring MPI ranks.


Below is the runtime, as measured with time -p ./executable (extracting real), of each version. The code was run with 1200000 points to solve.


Time in seconds


MPI --ntasks=1



MPI --ntasks=12*



MPI --ntasks=2 + OpenMP --cpus-per-task=6*



MPI --ntasks=2 + OpenACC






* To keep the comparison as fair as possible we compare the CPU resources

that would be the equivalent to [the billing resources of 2 GPUs on


** OpenACC implementation on a single GPU further optimized when no MPI sharing is necessary.


To illustrate the benefit of combining OpenACC with MPI we have, in the image below, compared three different versions of the solver on increasingly larger input.

Scaling of different inputs

From the figure we can see that on the example input, 1200000, MPI combined with OpenMP is the quickest. However, as we scale the input size this CPU version becomes slower compared to the GPU. The figure also illustrates the advantage of a single GPU. We recommended, if possible, to use one GPU when starting the transition to OpenACC and if the data size is larger than a single GPU continue with MPI. If the application already utilizes MPI then we recommend that, when using OpenACC, each rank is given more work than in the pure CPU implementation.