BigDFT with MPI and CUDA


Parts of the following example require access to NVIDIA GPU resources. It has been tested successfully on Saga, but there’s no guarantee it will work seamlessly on other systems.

This example demonstrates:

  1. how to bind mount a work directory into the container

  2. how to copy files from the container to the host

  3. how to run an interactive shell inside the container

  4. how to launch a hybrid MPI+OpenMP container using the host MPI runtime

  5. how to launch a CUDA container

BigDFT is an electronic structure code targeting large molecular systems with density functional theory. The program is written for heterogeneous computing environments with support for both MPI, OpenMP and CUDA. This makes for a good test case as a more advanced container application. All the following is based on the official tutorial which can be found here.

A BigDFT Docker image with CUDA support is provided by the NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) and can be built using Singularity with the following command (here into a folder called $HOME/containers, but this is arbitrary):

[SAGA]$ singularity pull --name $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif docker://


Container images are typically a few GiB in size, so you might want to keep your containers in a project storage area to avoid filling up your limited $HOME disk quota. Also beware that pulled images are cached, by default under $HOME/.singularity/cache. This means that if you pull the same image twice, it will be immediately available from the cache without downloading/building, but it also means that it will consume disk space. To avoid this you can either add --disable-cache to the pull command, change the cache directory with the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment variable, or clean up the cache regularly with singularity cache clean.

MPI + OpenMP version

The BigDFT container comes bundled with a couple of test cases that can be used to verify that everything works correctly. We will start by extracting the necessary input files for a test case called FeHyb which can be found in the /docker/FeHyb directory inside the container (starting here with the non-GPU version):

[SAGA]$ mkdir $HOME/bigdft-test
[SAGA]$ singularity exec --bind $HOME/bigdft-test:/work-dir $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif /bin/bash -c "cp -r /docker/FeHyb/NOGPU /work-dir"

Here we first create a job directory for our test calculation on the host called $HOME/bigdft-test and then bind mount this to a directory called /work-dir inside the container. Then we execute a bash command in the container to copy the example files from /docker/FeHyb/NOGPU into this work directory, which is really the $HOME/bigdft-test directory on the host. You should now see a NOGPU folder on the host file system with the following content:

[SAGA]$ ls $HOME/bigdft-test/NOGPU
input.yaml  log.ref.yaml  psppar.Fe  tols-BigDFT.yaml


Container images are read-only, so it is not possible to copy things into the container or change it in any other way without sudo access on the host. This is why all container construction needs to be done on your local machine where you have such privileges, see guides for more info on building containers.

The next thing to do is to write a job script for the test calculation, we call it $HOME/bigdft-test/NOGPU/


#SBATCH --account=<myaccount>
#SBATCH --job-name=FeHyb-NOGPU
#SBATCH --ntasks=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00

# Need to provide a compatible MPI library on the host for launching the calculation
module load OpenMPI/4.0.3-GCC-9.3.0

# Run the bigdft command inside the bigdft-cuda.sif container
# We assume we are already in the folder containing the input.yaml
# file and we bind the current directory into the container
mpirun --bind-to none singularity exec --bind $PWD $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif bigdft

exit 0

The --bind-to none option is necessary to avoid all OpenMP threads landing on the same CPU core. Now set <myaccount> to something appropriate and launch the job

[SAGA]$ sbatch

It should not take more than a minute to finish. After completion, the Slurm output file should contain the following line (in addition to the usual Slurm statistics output):

 <BigDFT> log of the run will be written in logfile: ./log.yaml

To check that the calculation succeeded, we can inspect the log.yaml output file, or we can run a test script provided by the container. First start an interactive shell inside the container (you should run this command in the job directory containing the log.yaml file so that we find it when we bind to the current directory):

[SAGA]$ singularity shell --bind $PWD $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif

Now you have stepped into the container and your shell prompt should have changed from $ to Singularity>. Now run the command:

Singularity> python /usr/local/bigdft/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ -d log.yaml -r /docker/FeHyb/NOGPU/log.ref.yaml -t /docker/FeHyb/NOGPU/tols-BigDFT.yaml

which hopefully reports success, something like this:

Maximum discrepancy: 2.4000000000052625e-09
Maximum tolerance applied: 1.1e-07
Platform: c1-33
Seconds needed for the test: 11.92
Test succeeded: True
Remarks: !!map
  Report: {Document: 0, Elapsed Time (s): 11.923177122, Failed_checks: 0, Max_Diff: 2.4000000000052625e-09,
    Memory_leaks (B): 0, Missed_items: 0}

To exit the container, type exit or press Ctrl-D.

CUDA version

We will now run the same example using the CUDA version of BigDFT. We again copy the bundled input files from within the container, this time the GPU directory (see example above for explanation of the commands):

[SAGA]$ singularity exec --bind $HOME/bigdft-test:/work-dir $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif /bin/bash -c "cp -r /docker/FeHyb/GPU /work-dir"

which should contain the following files:

[SAGA]$ ls $HOME/bigdft-test/GPU
input.yaml  psppar.Fe

In order to run this example correctly we need to ask for GPU resources in the job script, here we call it $HOME/bigdft-test/GPU/ We request a single CPU core (--ntasks=1) with an associated GPU accelerator (--gpus=1). Also remember to use the accel partition:


#SBATCH --account=<myaccount>
#SBATCH --job-name=FeHyb-GPU
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10G
#SBATCH --gpus=1
#SBATCH --partition=accel
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00

# Run the bigdft command inside the bigdft-cuda.sif container
# We assume we are already in the folder containing the input.yaml
# file and we bind the current directory into the container
singularity exec --nv --bind $PWD $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif bigdft

exit 0

With BigDFT, the CUDA request is handled through the input file, so we run the same bigdft executable as before. There is an extra --nv option for the singularity exec command though, which will make the container aware of the available NVIDIA hardware. Set <myaccount> to something appropriate and launch the job

[SAGA]$ sbatch

We can again check that the calculation completed successfully by shell-ing into the container and running the diff script (note that we still compare against the NOGPU reference as there is no specific GPU reference available in the container):

[SAGA]$ singularity shell --bind $PWD $HOME/containers/bigdft-cuda.sif
Singularity> python /usr/local/bigdft/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ -d log.yaml -r /docker/FeHyb/NOGPU/log.ref.yaml -t /docker/FeHyb/NOGPU/tols-BigDFT.yaml
Maximum discrepancy: 2.4000000000052625e-09
Maximum tolerance applied: 1.1e-07
Platform: c7-6
Seconds needed for the test: 11.85
Test succeeded: True
Remarks: !!map
  Report: {Document: 0, Elapsed Time (s): 11.84816281, Failed_checks: 0, Max_Diff: 2.4000000000052625e-09,
    Memory_leaks (B): 0, Missed_items: 0}

As we can see from the timings, this small test case run more or less equally fast (11-12 sec) on a single GPU as on 2x10 CPU cores. For comparison, the same example takes about 90 sec to complete on a single CPU core.