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Norwegian Research Infrastructure Services
The Norwegian research infrastructure services (NRIS) is a collaboration between Sigma2 and the universities of Bergen (UiB), Oslo (UiO), Tromsø (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) and NTNU, to provide national supercomputing and data storage services. These services are operated by NRIS and coordinated and managed by Sigma2.
NRIS provides valuable resources for the research communities: state of the art compute and storage facilities, backed by support and a guarantee that your data always stays in Norway. Possibly more important is easy access to a wide selection of competences that can assist, realize or take your project to the next level. Read more …
Compute resources: Overview | Saga | Fram | Betzy | LUMI
Storage resources: NIRD | Research Data Archive (NIRD RDA)
Tools and other services: NIRD Toolkit | EasyDMP | Course resources
NRIS Videos: NRIS YouTube channel | Training Video Archives | Short Instructions Video Archives
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For more information on our storage areas and to learn more about quota.
Here you can find example job scripts and guides on how to run efficiently.
Are you a developer of scientific software or running your own code on our systems? Find useful resources here.
Projects are required to acknowledge the use of the national e-infrastructure resources in their scientific publications. Papers, presentations and other publications that feature work that relied on resources provided by Sigma2 should include an acknowledgement following this template.